الأوراق العلمية

  • ARMAN, H., KABLI, M. and GINDY, N.N.Z., 2008. Integer Linear Programming Model to Optimise the Decision-making in R&D Investments. In: EurMOT.

  • KABLI, M., 2008. A Multi-Attribute Decision Making Methodology for Selecting R&D Projects. In: International Conference in Innovation for Saudi Students, Leeds, UK. ISBN:

  • El-Quliti, Said Ali and Kabli, Mohammad Reda, 2012. Economic Scheduling the Construction of Electrical Transmission/Distribution Substations in Jeddah City with Parametric Results. In: Journal of King Abdulaziz University in Engineering Sciences. (Accepted Paper for Publication)

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2/5/2013 12:30:35 PM

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